Persa Technology LTD.

About us

We are a hardware and software development team focused on creating innovative solutions for various industries. Our goal is to provide a new method of identity verification for users by using their smartphones, eliminating the need for physical keys and ID cards in organizations, and long-term tickets in public transportation. Our team is backed by Viatec in Victoria, Canada, as a selected startup.

Our solution is based on cutting-edge technology that utilizes the latest advancements in mobile devices. By eliminating traditional methods of identification, we aim to provide organizations with a more convenient and secure way of managing access. Our approach has been well-received by various industries, and we continue to develop new features and expand our reach.

We take pride in our work, and we strive to deliver reliable and high-quality products and services to our clients. We are committed to staying at the forefront of technology and pushing boundaries to create solutions that make a difference in the world.